Homemade RC Canard Airplane (AR Solonig)! First Flight

In the video, the canard plane has not been completed. I had a test test glide without the electronics and it looked fine and I decided to try a maiden flight the following day.

This is my first attempt at building a RC canard airplanen and I`m so glad it flew even though it was "nose light" haha! I really want to say nose light and not tail heavy since its a canard airplane. I hope you get my joke. LOL.

Specifications are as follows; 990mm main wingspan 500mm canard wingspan 2208 2000kv brushless outrunner 7.5 inch propeller 25A ESC 2S 1300mah Lipo battery 2x 9g aileron servos 2x 5g elevator servos

The main wings are separable and detachable from the fuselage to facilitate transport and reduce required storage space.


Free RC plane

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