How to do a Transitional Takeoff || Homemade RC Plane || RC Plane India || Remote Controlled Plane

How to do a Transitional Takeoff || Homemade RC Plane || RC Plane India || Remote Controlled Plane In this video I have shown how you can practice a Transitional Takeoff maneuver with your rc plane. Things you should take in mind before doing it is that your plane should have higher thrust to weight ratio for doing this maneuver. If your plane has landing gears then it will be easy for you to do it. If your plane is a belly lander just like mines, then you follow the steps I explained in this video. Its not that hard.

Technical Parameters: Motor: BLDC 2200 KV Propeller: 6042 ESC: Simonk 30A Battery: LiPo 3S 1400mAh With this configuration, this thing can pick up speeds up to 120 kmph in no wind conditions

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