FMS Rafale 80mm EDF PNP Assembly & Flight Review


Here`s my assembly u0026 flight review for the FMS Rafale 80mm EDF. This model is executed really well with some nice features, has a super smooth finish and flies awesome! I`ve not flown a delta winged jet in a long time and it`s been fun flying it. High alpha for days! :) A couple things worth noting, the model features a flap/crow function which reduces your pitch authority on landings which is not what you want. So, I don`t recommend using it. Also, the exhausts are oversized and actually create a bit of drag, and so I designed and 3d printed nozzles that glued into place and reduce the exhaust to about 90% of the fan swept area. The file can be downloaded at Or, if you don`t have a 3d printer, they can be purchased at #Rafale #TheRCGeek #ScaleModel

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