Covering a Micro RC Airplane - Willy Nillies Eaglet 250 - Timelapse

This is a quick edit of a few timelapse videos taken while covering the Eaglet 250 from Willy Nillies. I learned to fly powered RC airplanes on a Carl Goldberg Eagle 63 and eventually did my first solo flight on an Eaglet 50. This build was a trip down nostalgia lane for me to revisit the airframe in micro form and under modern electric power systems. The covering is some leftover Solite white and red I`ve used on other park flyers. It`s ironed on and the heat activates the adhesive on the backside. It also shrinks when heated to form a smooth surface. It`s not completely opaque so there is come color bleed through and you can see some of the structure underneath.

Free RC plane

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