How To Make a Airplane - Flying Aeroplane


Learn - How to make a Airplane that Fly Far


1, 11.1V 2200mAh 35C LiPo Battery
2, RC Flysky FS-i6 Transmitter / Receiver
3, ESC (electronic speed controller) ESC 30 amp
4, EDF 4500KV Brushless Motor
5, Lipo RC Battery Balance Charger
6, 1400Kv Brushless Motor
7, Propeller Multi Rotor
8, Servo Motor
9, 12Volt DC Motor
10, Motor Speed Control
11, Dual Shaft BO motor
12, 9V Battery
13, RCCar Rubber Racing Tires
14, 5mm Sunboard Pack of 4 Sheets
15, Cardboard Sheet
16, DC Dual shaft Gear Motor 100 RPM
17, 100 RPM 12V DC Geared Motor
18, 40W Glue Gun
19, Glue Gun Sticks
20, Cutter Knife Set
21, Soldering Iron Stand Tool Wire Stripper Kit Soldering Kit Set
22, Wires for DIY Electronics Projects

Free RC plane

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