WLToys XK A160 Skylark Flying Model Piper Cub Flight Test Review


WLToys XK A160 Skylark Flying Model Piper Cub Flight Test Review
This is a very good looking 4 channel flying RC model of the Piper Cub. It includes a 6G stabilzation system to help ease flying.

Find it here: http://rcmove.ru/vya

- Looks fantastic. Nicely done flying model of a 1946 Piper J-3 Cub.
- Very quiet (almost silent) in flight while under power.
- Constructed of EPP foam with plastic trim. Weighs 145 grams, and thus does not require registration in most countries.
- Includes 6G (6DoF) stabilization (3 axis gyroscopic, and 3 axis accelerometer) to provide smooth flights for beginner pilots. The stabilization can be quickly turned off and on with the press of a button, allowing acrobatic flight if desired. If you get into trouble, just turn stabilization back on to allow it to automatically level itself.
- 1406 brushless motor for power and durability.
- 4 channel control with power, ailerons, elevator, and rudder control.
- 7.4V 500mah provides about 6 minutes of flighttime per charge.

- Plastic trim components are susceptible to damage in a crash.
- Not ready to fly, requires assembly. Assembly instructions were incomplete. Requires some basic RC knowledge or experience to fill in the blanks during assembly.
- Prone to stalls and unrecoverable spins with the 6G stabilization system on. Stalls/spins occurred even when carefully flying it through gentle turns while paying attention to keep the speed up.

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