Traxxas Maxx ZOP Power 4S Battery Test

Get the ZOP Power 4S 7000mah pack here - 
The RC Gear We Use: -
GPS Speed Meter (Used in our speed tests) -

Batteries we recommend:-
2S -
3S -
4S -
6S -

1-8S Battery Charger (400W) -
Lipo Checker (Full color) -

Servo`s: -
Standard Size -
1/5 Size Servo -

Best RC cars Under $100
1. WLToys 144001 (40mph!) -
2. Q902 -
3. WLTOYS A959B -

Crawlers We Like At Under or Around $200: -
HGp601 6x6 Crawler -
CJ10 Rock Rocket 4x4 Crawler -

Free RC plane

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