Build Super Simple Flying Wing ( delta wing )

Теги: how to make, delta
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RC DIY Rotary Cutter for Balsa and Depron

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Hi there all my fellow RC scartch-builders DemonDriver AKA Chris here showing you how I use a rotary fabric cutter to cut thick balsa sheet and depron, using this tool helps prevent tearing of the...


Detailed Build (1/2): X210 2600kv 30amp Racing Drone Kit

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This kit is a LOT of fun to fly! The Racerstar 2600kv motors are nice and smooth when they are paired with the 30amp ESCs


Insta 360 RC Slope Soaring

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Drag video to pan image! From "Vårlige Vinder" at "Skotten" in Norway


4 Amazing DIY TOYs | Awesome RC Ideas

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Eachine Nano VTX | 400mW Nano VTX

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R/C Cardboard Stick Plane

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I built this simple plane because I had this wing left over from a school project and didn`t want to let it go to waste


The HGLRC Veyron 35 FPV Drone is Amazing!!! Review

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In this episode I am blown away by the performance of the Veyron 35 CR FPV Drone from HGLRC


how to make a Rc plane glider

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Make and flight!