How builders make Giant Airliner RC Models and fly them
Peter Michel in his workshop where later his A 380 was constructed. Tielo Kyriz building and flying his A 340-600/
Peters Concord flying.
A general view of how dedicated modellers get to be famous with their models.
Ein Besuch bei Peter Michel und Tielo Kyritz um zu sehen wie sehr grosse Passagierflugzeug Modelle gebaut werden und geflogen werden.
Membuat pesawat remot sederhana dari gabus kotak nasi (untuk tutorial lebih jelas masuk ke bagian PLAYLIST di channel nusantara hobby dan pilih playlist TUTORIAL RC PLANE)
After a few year long hiatus, the Lawrencetown Slope Fest had a rest run as a good group got together in the fog and the mosquitos to enjoy one of the most beautiful sites in Nova Scotia