Building an Advanced Magnus Effect Plane

 This is an RC Magnus Effect Plane! Magnus effect aircraft use a wierd aerodynamic effect to create lift. I wanted to build a plane with a cylindrical rotor driven by an electric motor. Underneath there would be a boom with a second motor for forward propulsion along with a rudder for turning. It would be similar to a paramotor. It`s not a concept I came up with but there is hardly any info out there on the proportions of a plane like this, how fast the rotors should spin, and where its centre of gravity should be, so I thought I`d learn how to do it and share it with you.

Chapters 00:00 Intro 00:46 Ad 02:05 V1 Build 03:46 First Test Flights 05:29 Improvements 05:48 Second Test Flights 07:27 Iterative Development 09:30 Final Attempt 12:26 Conclusion


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