Free plans for Extra 330

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    Free plans RC airplane Extra 330

    The main parameters of the aircraft model Extra 330

    • Swing 1500 mm
    • Length 1296 mm
    • Theoretical weight (without accessories) 1100 — 1200 gr
    • Wing Profile NACA 0012

    RC plans in DXF format. You can use a CNC machine to make a component for assembly.

    Materials for the assembly of the RC modelExtra 330

    • Plywood birch 3mm 1000 x 850 mm
    • Balsa 1 x 100 x 1000 8 — 10 sheets
    • Balsa 2.5 x 100 x 1000 3 sheets
    • Balsa 5 x 100 x 1000 1 sheet
    • Carbon pipe Ø16 mm 500 mm
    • Carbon pipe Ø8 mm 310 mm

    With drawings lies detailed assembly instructions in Russian. You can use a translator to understand the description. How to use a translator, see here.


    UPD. Add plans with translation of file names into English


Tags: fuel, 3d
Rating: 4,29 Votes: 17 Your vote:

Comments (12)
Alex # 15 may 2020 in 15:35 0
Please upload the file again. It is corrupted...
RC Plane Poster # 15 may 2020 in 15:46 0
I downloaded and checked the files. There are no errors in the archive. Attention! Drawings in Russian!
Gabriel # 17 may 2020 in 23:21 0
Hello, how do you understand the name of the files and the thickness of the balsa planks? For example : æÔá»Ñ½ý - õá¡ÑÓá 3¼¼
RC Plane Poster # 19 may 2020 in 11:36 0
Drawings in Russian. You can install support for the Russian language and then the file names will be shown as in the manual of the assembly.
I added drawings with translation of file names into English. Translation made by google. Link in article.
Gabriel # 19 may 2020 in 11:51 0
Perfect, thank you so much !
Alex # 15 may 2020 in 16:03 0
Thank you for the fast reply, i will try on the pc, the other plâns from this website work on the Phone but this one doesnt. No problem for the russian language i can translație
Tomas # 18 october 2020 in 09:09 0
hello, where is the center of gravity? what components did you use for what electric motor and servos? THX
RC Plane Poster # 19 october 2020 in 00:04 0
CG - 30%.
algrubov # 11 july 2021 in 10:54 0
Добрый день, подскажите какой электродвигатель вы планировали. А то я прикинул, с моторамой для электродвигателя в чертежах, движок дуалскай 5050 не встает и дуалскай DA1500.5.
Serjuro # 12 august 2021 in 10:16 0
Hello, great CAD plan, thank you !
Is there maybe a full assembly schematic/diagram wich has the parts name, for locating them ?
Great work !
Hans # 16 november 2022 in 02:18 0
Nice plane but I might have a newbee question. eg I have 45 dxf files for making 3mm plywood parts. How do I place these 45 parts/files in one file, so I can laser cut it afterwards. I plan to use DeepNest for this task.
Marco # 27 august 2023 in 22:33 0
Hi, witch Electric motor is best for this model?
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