Foamy scratch built pink insulation RC electric airplane

Here it is, a nicely built Pink foam giant airplane. It took me 3 days to build.

The wing is 2 - 1" glue lam with 1/2" CF rib 6` made as one piece.It had a v shape to it but it soon went back to a straight wing. I used Gorilllilla Glue to bond most surfaces together and hot glue for the rest.

This was constructed of ½" -- 2" Pink Poly styrene foam from Home Depot. $28
I`m using an Exceed .60 out runner 400Kv ($40) with a 4000 kvh LiPoly 5S 25c battery ($55) 80A Mystery ESC ($9) 16 x 12 prop. ($8) 4 Servos, can`t remember name but there full size metal gear ($32) Motor cowling is a paint bucket from Lows ($2) rear landing gear ($12) rods, hinges, wheels ($23) Servo extensions ($14).
Total price, $223.00

This might seem like I was just funning around flying. I was actually just trying to land it without a crash and burn.
Best thing a bought this is the ability to crash it and glue it back together again in a few minutes. I have reconstructed the wings to the original V shape, Added a 110 Exceed motot and brought the CG up 2". It has much more fly-ability now. I will add new vids of it when the weather is more favorable.


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