*********READ ME FIRST**********
Justin skimmed over a small but important step! The GoPro power cable needs to be soldered into the 5 volt power source going into the FPV video transmitter on the drone. This transmitter is a small black board with a black antenna, and it was previously mounted to the inside top of the white plastic drone canopy cover. Solder the red and black GoPro power cable into the corresponding red and black power cable for the video transmitter. Now the GoPro and Drone will both function from the same battery.
About the plane: Plane weight 310 grms, Motor 2600 KV, Prop 6 inch (use of prop saver recommended) , Wing span 95 cm, Chord length 16 cm, Battery 360 mAh 7~8 Volt Lipo battery (you can use 1000...
My Extreme Flight Extra 300 88" wing-span with a Brillelli 366GT 60cc Gas motor, HiTec 5955TGs all around, Smart-Fly Sport Plus with optical ignition kill switch