American Champion Decathlon RC plane DIY Build video tutorial
How to make RC airplane at home
- Wingspan: 1,19m (47")
- Flying Weight: 285g (10 oz)
- Materials: XPS foam 3, 4, 5mm / Depron
- Motor: MF1904 2500KV (16g)
- Propeller: GWS 7035/8040
- Receiver: FlySky FS-iA6 (7g)
- ESC: 12A (14g)
- Servos: 5g x 4
- LiPo battery: 600mah 7.4V (39g) 2S 850 mah 7.4V (47g)
Bellanca Decathlon/Citabria 7ECA free plans:
Free RC plane
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