Free 3D printed RC plane, Mustang p51 cockpit, windshield, canopy rails

It is the first print of my Mustang p51. I hope this will make access to the battery easy.
I will modify any parts as necessary.  It is fully printed, just waiting for motor and other non 3D printed parts to arrive. 

As planned, I have designed sliding rails for cockpit windshield out of aluminum can. Used clear glue to mount in place. Making the rails was not difficult. The aluminum can is soft enough to bend and form sharp edges. And it is hard enough to hold the windshield.

Next video will focus on custom made wheels. Real rubber wheels perfectly sized to fit the hatch. Hopefully I will be recording each time I work to go through each step until I get this thing in the air.  I want to use arduino to automate landing gear and some other functions.

Catalog: 3D Printed RC Airplane Plans

Free RC plane

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