How to make a TURBORAMJET engine, full build!

I take you through how to build your own working "Turboramjet" engine from the ground up! From the combustion chamber to the fuel and ignition system this video covers it all, I even show you how to build a super aggressive multistage compressor! Build it for a 1/8th scale RC aircraft, or just to have in your shop to wow friends, either way it`s sure to impress. This engine is a combination of both a Turbojet engine and a Ramjet engine, similar to the J-58 from the SR-71 blackbird in concept with a compressor section similar to the Rolls Royce "Dart Engine", this was do to the easier to build compressor design in the Dart vs. the axial compressor used in the J-58. I will upload a two part HD version of the film for those that want the high resolution.

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