Free plans for Buffalo Brewster

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    It is a simple and fast build that ends with a lightweight and great-flying model. The model is built mostly from Depron foam, with a small amount of balsa and light plywood thrown in.

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    Model type: Semi-profile foam park flyer
    Skill level: Intermediate
    Construction: 1/4-inch or 6mm Depron foam with 1/8-inch plywood motor mount
    Wingspan: 47 inches
    Length: 33.5 inches
    Weight: 34 ounces

    free plans

    The Brewster F2A Buffalo was an American fighter designed and built by the Brewster Aeronautical Corporation. It was one of the first monoplane fighters with an arrester hook and won a competition against Grumman’s F4F Wildcat in 1939 to become the Navy’s first monoplane fighter.

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    By the time the US entered World War II, the Buffalo had become obsolete because of its ever-increasing weight from various modifications without a corresponding increase in power. The F2A only saw combat with US units once at the Battle of Midway, where it was outclassed by Japan’s extraordinary Mitsubishi Zero. After the Battle of Midway, the Buffalo was retired from combat and reassigned to training units.

    free plans

    Several other countries ordered the export version of the Brewster F2A-2 including Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, and Finland. The Finns were the most successful with the Buffalos—flying them against early Soviet aircraft with excellent results.

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