Free plans for Jetson

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    Free plans for rc airplane Jetson

    Rudder check, full throttle, a small push up diagonally up, and off you go. Half roll and in back flight the upswing to looping. At the apex follows a long-drawn four-time role with wide-scale downturn for rapid overflight until the blades of grass duck. And here it is — the much quoted broad grin with the accompanying soft giggle inside.

    Free plans for rc airplane Jetson

    This model is a self-creation to control over cross / height / motor, whose creative origin came from an unexpected flash of inspiration with subsequent hectic handle to the notebook — "… I need something to write! I need something to write ...! ". A few pencil strokes later it was clear: this must be built as exactly as possible. And it would have to be quick and uncritical to fly, but that will then show.

    Free plans for rc airplane Jetson

    Thereupon a model of the model was created in the workshop, in half size. The original, however, still has a handy 600 mm (mm) span. So I first built a throw glider with cute 300 mm dimensions from halved Depron. In this way, the hull concept with its triangular cross-section and the characteristic Flügelanformungen could be implemented quickly, without first having to construct hours on the drawing board.

    Free plans for rc airplane Jetson

    In fact, this miniature archetype with its profiled wings showed an amazingly extended, majestically long gliding flight. The center of gravity with the associated EWD can be found here by a solid litter: makes the model a huge loop, everything is fine. Too tight looping means center of gravity too far forward and EWD too big. An arrow-straight trajectory indicates a backward focus with too little EWD.

    Free plans for rc airplane Jetson

    Too bad to dismantle, but I could not spare the dwarf a wash benzine shower. As a result, solve all Uhu Por adhesive bonds, and the items can migrate to the scanner. Correctly scaled, the outline of the computer can be easily traced and subsequently corrected. In this way, a first rough version of the construction plan was quickly created, after which the first prototype was built on a scale of 1: 1. This then revealed the inevitable inconsistencies in the part contours, so that a second prototype was needed to verify the accuracy of the now revised plan. This may sound a bit awkward, but the shell of the Jetson consists of a manageable 15 Depron items and is done quickly, twitching on a three-hour closing time. Cut out parts, grind, arch and glue together. That's all you have to do.

    Free plans for rc airplane Jetson

    Before construction, of course, the blueprint in paper form must be ready. Download it from the download area of ​​the FlugModell homepage and print it unscaled on the A4 printer, if possible in color. With Tesafilm then each up to three individual pages are assembled, so that larger Flickereierei is unnecessary. I would then recommend that you use a touch of 3M spray adhesive to attach the blueprint sections to the Depron material (3- and 6-mm Depron are required) and then use a fresh, sharp scalpel to carefully peel off each component through the blueprint line, Use 6mm Depron as a cutting pad, the blade will not dull quickly and the bottom of the component will not rip. Overall, building is easier if you have a certain basic knowledge in dealing with plate-shaped hamburger packaging. And bring the iron will to read and understand the many helpful hints in the blueprint.

    Free plans for rc airplane Jetson

    The Jetson is in principle even quite easy to fly, because it has pleasantly uncritical tearing properties and a very low minimum speed. Nevertheless, he is not inherently stable as an aerobatic racer, so he always wants to be controlled in his attitude with the aileron. He enjoys the advanced pilots with jigsaw load-change maneuvers and a crazy roll rate depending on the rudder deflection.
    You can either equip the model with a power drive — that would be brushless motors in the weight class of 20 to 35 grams (g) — or fly around easily and comfortably, namely with a diet drive mass of 10 to 20 g in the snout. Since a wide bandwidth is possible here, the placement of the other RC components depends on maintaining the center of gravity. The heavier the drive, the farther back the receiver, elevator servo and battery have to go. For this reason, the blueprint leaves both the exact engine installation position as well as the information about the RC installation and engine implantation easily. More than: nose off, Kopfspant turn and engine ran you do not have to do anyway. If you only observe the zero-degree engine camber in relation to the horizontal stabilizer and zero degrees of lateral pull, then the box will certainly fly to its fullest satisfaction.

    Free plans for rc airplane Jetson

    The wing has an unspecified self-creation profile. This does its job well, as long as you pay attention in the construction with the given care to avoid delays and aims at setting the rudder again meticulously from the front of the noseband. In this way you can use the ailerons to make sure that both halves are really identical and no surprisesready for the first flight. Between the top and bottom planking of the depron wing, a simple Depronholm fully enough to withstand even the wildest maneuvers. Due to a defined contoured upper planking not even ribs are necessary for the construction.
    By the way, there is a good reason that the rudder is not articulated. Why should I conceal it: it just would not work, I've tried it. It is probably too high, and in combination with zero degrees V-shape of the low-wing aircraft results in a completely unwanted reaction, namely a pronounced negative roll turning moment. Say: rudder right causes a roll to the left, and vice versa. But that is not really bad, because the Jetson alone with cross and height is great to control. If you would make it sideboards suitable, you would have to intervene significantly in the optics. The thing looks just crazy and makes in the air a hell of a fun for little money and even less effort.


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