Free plans for Extra 300S 45

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    Free plans balsa rc 3D Airplane Extra 300S 45

    Drawings of the Extra 300S 45 aircraft model in DWG and PDF format.

    The DWG file can be used to make aircraft model parts on a CNC machine.

    Free plans balsa rc 3D Airplane Extra 300S 45

    Free plans balsa rc 3D Airplane Extra 300S 45

    Free plans balsa rc 3D Airplane Extra 300S 45

Tags: fuel, 3d
Rating: 3,64 Votes: 14 Your vote:

Comments (3)
tab # 12 june 2020 in 11:19 0
I would like to know the scale per% in Adobe Illustrator CS6.
RC Plane Poster # 12 june 2020 in 12:07 0
I do not use an illustrator, so I can’t tell you.
Arjan # 8 december 2020 in 12:53 0
I printed 200% scale and that matches the scaling on the drawing
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