Free plans for MiG 29 mini

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RC Plane made by 16 years old boy

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thankyou guys


Foamy scratch built pink insulation RC electric airplane

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Here it is, a nicely built Pink foam giant airplane


Pushing our RC Cockpit to the LIMIT

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Huge thanks to Insta360 for sponsoring this video! Insta 360 ONE R: https://www



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Drone na banggood


Dirt cheap Mini RC airplane

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A very small but fun RC airplane that could be as cheap as any other children`s toy, the "Binary" as I call it is a wonderful homemade rc airplane for people starting in the world of RC...


Flaperons for Slow Flight DIY RC plane Cessna

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How to make Ailerons and then FlySky FS-i6X Flaperon Mixing for Slow Flight RC plane Cessna DIY


Bi plane diy maiden (rc tenggara)

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