Free plans for ORB

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    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc airplane ORB

    As we know, the AP planes we deal with will only allow certain (relatively small) diameters to be used because they get in the way of either the camera lens or in the pusher config they hit the rear fuse. This means we are fixed at higher rpms/pitch speeds to get the thrust.

    With this project I hope can solve two things. Great tractor pulling thrust at low RPM and the ability to take without question any SLR or video camera I choose and fly/land at an extremely slow speed.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc airplane ORB

    The plane is built around the new AXI (of course) 2820-14 swinging a 14-7 prop It is a brute. The rear fuse consists of two 3/8 x 48" carbon tubes glued together.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc airplane ORB

    This allows the tubes to be oriented in the main fuse socket with the aid of a ply servo carrier structure. It is held in by a single carbon pin.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc airplane ORB

    The main fuse is 2" beaded foam with 3 mm Depron sheeting. Once again It has ply in areas that need strength.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc airplane ORB

    The fuse is incredibly stiff/strong as the 2" does not have any cutouts and once sheeted with the Depron it is very sound.

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    • Wingspan 80"
    • Length 70"
    • Wing area 1200 sq in

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc airplane ORB


    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc airplane ORB


    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc airplane ORB



    Motor 2820 + ESC

    Sunnysky X2820 2820 800KV
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    D3542(2820) 920KV Brushless Motor
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Hobbywing Skywalker 2-6S 60A
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    SURPASS Hobby V2 60A
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

    Prop 14x7

    1470 14x7 DD Direct
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Gemfan Nylon High Efficiency
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    14X7E 14X8E 1470 1480
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

    Servo 9 gramm

    SG90 Mini Gear Micro
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    KittenBot® 23x12.2x29mm SG90 9g
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    SG92R Micro Digital Servo
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    4pcs Lofty Ambition MG90S
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Racerstar MG90S 9g Micro
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    PTK 7452 MG-D 9g
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Volantex 9g Plastic Gear
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    4 X SG92R Mini
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Pxtoys 1/18 RC Truck
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    AGF B9DLMA 2.2KG Small
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    AGF A20CLS 9g Micro
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

    LiPo 3S 2600mAh

    JH Lipo RC Car
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    ZOP Power 11.1V 2600mah
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    XF POWER 11.1V 2600mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

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