rc plane, home built foam airplane, cheap, 2.75 meter wingspan and crash

home foam airplane flew by Pixhawk, crashed, rebuild and
flew again, success. I`M using 2.4ghz 5 watts for fpv. and RMILEC. 433mhz 5 watts for the radio control system. Both frequencies
are going through the repeater. The plane did not have to trim, but it has a slight height gain. At one time the plane was circling while I was talking to someone, the airplane ascent right out of my sight.I had to bring the plane down by looking through the monitor (FPV.).
I`M using 4 Batteries for the two motors, each battery is 10000MAH 22.2v and an other battery is 6500mah 11.1v for fpv,and control system. The plane seems flying
for ever without draining a lot battery current.


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