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How to make video

Making a professional RC transmitter with Arduino Uno (DIY)

RC Plane Poster  0  2004
Hey guys, in this video you will see how to make a professional look RC transmitter using Arduino Uno and NRF24L01 that can be used to control your RC plane, boat, quadcopter, and other applications


How to make rc trainer Airplane

RC Plane Poster  0  1337
DIY model Airplane for Beginners 


Prototyping a 3D Printed Plane

RC Plane Poster  0  1812
Community member Tyler Kenepp lets Josh fly his 3D-printed FT Explorer!


[Tutorial] How to make RC Airplane Supper mini - v2

RC Plane Poster  0  3200
DIY HomeMade - Make a rc airplane supper mini at home


STORCH cut tail of SCOUT crash sportster RC airplane DIY

RC Plane Poster  0  1750
power pack C FT standard Scout Storch EMax GT2212/10 (1100kV) 3cell 2200mAh 65C Spektrum RC DXe transmitter Spektrum AR410 4-Channel antenna-less DSMX Aircraft Receiver


How To Make A RC Flywing | amazing flying Airplane

RC Plane Poster  0  1344
Emax-2300kv motor