Free plans for Red Mini Wing

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    Red Mini Wing it`s a speedy RC airplane.

     Speddy 3d printed rc model

    "The small model is already very good, but some model flying experience is needed. For a wing type of this small size it flies even damned good. It’s not a plane for circling through thermics, of course it’s to small for that. The performance is shown when one flies it speedingly".

    Speddy 3d printed rc model

    Uwe Heuer — experienced flying wing designer and Horton specialist — says about this square form of a flying wing, which he loves to call "panel plane":

    Speddy 3d printed rc model

    "They do have a low damping and flight stability around the pitch axis (elevator), therefore you can fly snags in curves. This is why I love these “panel-planes”, these are also good-tempered against tilting to one side. But on the other side you pay that with the high sensitivity regarding wrong trimming of the CG and the elevator. During stall the wings stay level but for recovery they need a long dive to speed up again".

    Print Settings

    Rafts: No

    Supports: No

    Notes: All parts: layer height =0,3mm, width =0.5 mm

    1 perimeter, 2 bottom layer, 2 top layer, hollow

    wing servo: 3 bottom layer, spiral vase mode
    aileron base: 5 bottom layer, spiral vase mode
    aileron end: 2 bottom layer, spiral vase mode
    aileron appendix: 1 perimeter, hollow
    aileron interface: no bottom layer, spiral vase mode

    fuselage front: 7 bottom layer, 3 top layer
    fuselage back: 3 bottom layer, 3 top layer
    fuselage interfaces: 2 perimeter 0.4 no bottom/top layer, holow
    fin: 4 bottom layer, spiral vase mode
    fin cover plate: 2 bottom layer, hollow


    • motor: Turnigy 2632 Brushless Motor 1000kv
      • motor camber: -3°
      • side pull: 2° right
    • propeller: Aeronaut CAM Aeronaut Carbon Classic 9 x 6.5" / 23 x 16.5 mm
    • static thrust: 500 g (3S Lipo)
    • battery: Turnigy nano-tech 950mah 3S 25~50C Lipo Pack
    • ESC: HobbyKing YEP 30A (2~4S) SBEC Brushless Speed Controller
    • receiver: OrangeRx R615X DSM2/DSMX Compatible 6Ch 2.4GHz Receiver w/CPPM
    • servos: Hitec HS-55
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