Hobby Plus CR-24 versus Hobby Plus CR-18 RC Car Crawlers! Does Size Really Matter?

Does size really matter? Here is the first run of 2020 and a comparison and test of the Hobby Plus CR-18 (1/18th Scale) and the Hobby Plus CR-24 (1/24th Scale). Happy New Year everybody!

The Hobby Plus CR-18 and the Hobby Plus CR-24 where provided by Banggood, free for review and tests. You can check out the prices or/and buy them here with these (non-affiliate!) links:

15% OFF coupon code: BGMINIRC
expiry date: 2020-01-31

Hobby Plus 1/18 4WD Mini Crawler RC Car: https://www.banggood.com/118-240038-2...

Hobby Plus 1/24 4WD Micro Crawler RC Car (aka the FTX Outback Mini 2.0): https://www.banggood.com/URUAV-124-2_...

Thank you for watching!

Happy Hobby Days and Keep `em Running!

See you soon!

Free RC plane

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