Hobby Plus CR-24 versus Hobby Plus CR-18 RC Car Crawlers! Does Size Really Matter?
Does size really matter? Here is the first run of 2020 and a comparison and test of the Hobby Plus CR-18 (1/18th Scale) and the Hobby Plus CR-24 (1/24th Scale). Happy New Year everybody!
The Hobby Plus CR-18 and the Hobby Plus CR-24 where provided by Banggood, free for review and tests. You can check out the prices or/and buy them here with these (non-affiliate!) links:
15% OFF coupon code: BGMINIRC
expiry date: 2020-01-31
Nate took the brains out of this RC plane! We hope it still flies! The ZOHD isn`t the newest plane, but it was an extremely modular build. So easy! Enjoy this scary maiden and be sure to subscribe...