Review JDRC JD-20S drone

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How to make video

Spring Soaring

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Fabulous conditions, straight on the slope, light winds 10-12mph but stunning lift



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This is the First Test Flight video of our X8 replica, which we built in 2017 and named it X9 (LOL :D)


New World Record RC Airplane Speed 548mph

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Strong Santa Ana conditions on Jan 19 2021 provided enough wind for Spencer Lisenby to bring the dynamic soaring speed record back to its birthplace of Parker Mountain, CA


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Fpv Long Range WORLD RECORD 20km flight of ZOHD Dart 250G with 400mW TBS unify pro32 nano + Aomway div006 receiver


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Micro Owl Slope Soaring - Kits now available

RC Plane Poster  0  1215
total flight time around 30 minutes