EACHINE LAL5 4K Freestyle Drone - REVIEW

No GoPro needed on this quad! It is built to fly without it and get smooth 4K video. Review, tips, and suggestions if you decide to buy the Eachine LAL5 quad by Drone Camps RC.

Buy an Eachine LAL5 Quad, 23% off at $229
Banggood : http://rcmove.ru/rh5
Save 7% off your purchase code : toyho
Recommended 6S 1300mah Battery : http://rcmove.ru/rh7

Eachine LAL5 Spare Parts Links
Eachine LAL5 Antenna : http://rcmove.ru/rh9
Eachine LAL5 Battery Matt : http://rcmove.ru/rhb
Eachine LAL5 Top Plate : http://rcmove.ru/rhd
Eachine LAL5 Bottom Plate : http://rcmove.ru/rhf
Eachine LAL5 TPU Motor Bumper : http://rcmove.ru/rhh
Eachine LAL5 Bottom Plate Pt. 2 : http://rcmove.ru/rhj
Eachine LAL5 TPU Camera Mount : http://rcmove.ru/rhl


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