PA XR-52 Build Review - Precision Aerobatics 3D RC Plane 52

UPDATE: Txkflier came up with the probable reason why I had an issue with the short connecting rod for the elevator. PA instructions say to mount the elevator servo with the output shaft aft, I mounted it forward. That definitely could have been the difference. I will address in the maiden video. FYI: The reason I mounted it forward was due to the spline causing the arm to not be perpendicular to servo when the output shaft as facing aft. By rotating the servo 180 degrees and flipping the servo arm it rested perfectly perpendicular at center.

This just goes to show how precise you have to be with this plane. This is the build review of the Precision Aerobatics XR-52. PA makes some of the best ARF RC planes available and the XR-52 is no exception. This plane has been around for a few years and it has earned a reputation as a top shelf 3D RC Plane.

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