A quick and easy method to form curves/bends in balsa, so making sheeting of wings and fuselages easier, or even for custom cowls!
In the video I am using am Ammonia based cleaning liquid, which contains Ammonium Hydroxide 0.185% W/W. The ammonia softens the lignin in the wood, which allows the balsa wood to be shaped/formed.
Une nouvelle revue de ce E58 , aussi vendu sous plein d`autres marques , toujours aussi correct en vol , il est un peu obsolete maintenant , on regrette que Eachine n`est pas sorti une version gps
If you are a Cessna Plane lover, If you or your kids want to have fun flying RC Planes in Parks, double your picnics fun, then you gotta get yourself one or two of these mini Cessna RC Planes