WS: 32in
Weight: 24.2 oz
Wing Area: 387 sqin
Wing Loading: 9 oz sqft
motor: pusher: BP-12 motor with 8x6 EP GWS prop
batt: 2000mah 3s1p lipoly (10C) (5.2oz)
ESC: CC Thunderbird 18amp
CG: 3 3/8in aft of the leading edge wing root @ fuselage
Control Throws:
---Elevator: 3/4in up and down
---Aileron: 3/8in up and down
---Elevator: -40%
---Aileron: -35%
XXD 2212 Motor+ZTW Beatles Buy: BangGoodTowerPro SG90 Mini Micro Buy: BangGoodTowerPro SG92R Micro Digital Buy: BangGoodZOP Power 11.1V 2000mah Buy: BangGoodJJPRO-P04 Power 11.1V 2000mah Buy: BangGood