Free plans for Canard

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    This is a canard that uses a printed body, fixed canard that is printed as part of the nose. This gives a 3 part fuselage and 5 joiners. I designed the canard/nose to be printed on my Anet A8 diagonally. Since the maiden flights I have added tapered wing tips.

    The wing is made from foam in a stepped airfoil. I will include the shapes for it to be cut. I made the wing from MPF 6mm foam. Other foams could probably be substituted. it has a 40.5" span, 11 " center chord. The wingtips have a 4.25" chord, the wing tips are swept back 7.5". The elevons are 1.5x14". The CG is 3" behind root chord.

    Free plans for 3D printed rc airplane Cancard

    The wing has 1/4" wooden dowel leading edge spars (for toughness) and 3, 6mm carbon spars running spanwise at 1.75", 4" and 6" back from the center chord line. I used 12 gram metal gear servos at 7" out from the center line.

    It has twin vertical stabilizers glued t the wing tips. I did not add any stiffeners to them. If you were to substitute for a a softer foam you may want to add a leading edge stiffener.

    Free plans for 3D printed rc airplane Cancard

    Watch carefully the launch, Hold by the front of the right wing and side arm release it with your left hand. This motor is powerful enough to injure or maim or kill.

    I can not be responsible for injuries. Make at your own risk.Recommended to be flown by an experienced pilot.


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