Airbus 320 Virgin America made and build of depron RC aircraft

I have seen great movies on youtube , people who build great planes depron foam and balsa . among which Ramy RC
and fun-wave a French person . Special thanks them.
These people given me a kickstart

This Airbus 320 is made of depron foam , poplar plywood , carbon fiber rods , and later on arduino parts (great idea)

Unfortunately My plan is not ready yet, BUTTTT.. When I finished with drawings and he is done, may everyone have my plans for free :) And the more people like my channel the faster I go on with it ;)

Very cool new project :

Make simple and cheap quality skins decals for your rc planes with wood glue. 1 dollar wing :)

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Теги: scale, balsa, airbus 320
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Comments (1)
Danie # 20 may 2021 in 06:48 0
Did Blackline VW ever finished the Airbus 320 Virgin America made and build of depron RC aircraft and did he posted the plans
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