JJRC H95 Infake Plane Drone Flight Test Review


Is this RC aircraft a plane, or a drone, or both? Inexpensive, yet very easy to fly indoors with its provided controller. Find it here http://rcmove.ru/uw0

- Flying drone/plane thingy. Includes altitude hold making it very stable and easy to fly indoors when using its controller. The $18 base version is fun to fly, and would make a great stocking stuffer.
- Has a flip button allowing automatic flips.
- Available with several options, from its base controller and single battery version, to its controller, watch controller, and three battery version.

- Can only flip right or left. The motors are too closely spaced to allow forward and back flips.
- The watch controller takes a bit of practice to get used to. It`s also not very precise. Recommend limiting its use to either outdoors in a field, or indoors in a very big room.
- The instruction manual did not cover how to use the watch controller. I had to figure that out through trial and error.

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