Flying motorcycle Drone


Flying motorcycle Drone | 2.4Ghz RC Drones with Auto Hovering Headless Mode | 4 CH Remote Control Flying Bike Quadcopter

Altitude Hold Mode : Intelligent Flight Control System Calculates The Hovering Position, More Stable Control Feature, Makes It Easier For Beginners To Control.
Release The Stick, The Drone Will Keep Hovering Automatically To Enable Single Hand Operation.
2.4Ghz Remote Controller : Controller Operation Just The Same As Other Drones, Providing Yaw, Steering, Altitude Hold And So On.
Li-Po Battery : Equipped With Usb Charger, Which Has Various Kinds Of Charging Ways And Makes Charging Become More Convenient.
Main Feature : Altitude Hold Mode, Heading Hold Mode, High/Low Speed Mode, Low Battery Alarm, One Button Take Off/Landing, Up, Down, Forward, Backward, Turn Left/Right, Fly Left/Right

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