3D Printed propellers - in-flight testing

Couple weeks ago I`ve been testing 3D Printed 6 inch propellers.
This was a technology demonstrator. The pitch is "whatever" - but close to 6" or more.
Which one is faster? Gemfan 6x6 (fligth starts at 2:07) or 3DPrinted 6x?? (fligth starts at 8:46)

I feel the 3D Printed set was considerably faster. It definitely drains much more power - approx 10A per motor vs Gemfan 8A per motor.

More iterations to come: CW/CCW, folding, 3/4 6 bladed designs etc.

What are your thoughts on this - let me know in the comments section below.

Catalog: 3D Printed RC Airplane Plans

Free RC plane

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