The Best RC Plane for kids Best 4Ch RC Trainer Glider
Time Flies fast. Arish is now 8 years old and he simply makes me proud by flying a 4 channel RC Plane for the very first time. He handled the take off, flight control through out the flight time and even made smooth landing on his very first try. I just told him about the controls. And he handled the plane superb. For the landing, I gave him a little assistance and training for landing and after that he made his first smooth landing. Thats AliShanMao legacy right there, Masha Allah. Now I am confident that he can handle this RC Glider. So I will bring out another one and we will go for a FPV Chase insha Allah.
Omphobby T720 RC glider Features Aerodynamic design, Concealed Servos, Modular Attach detach wings system for easy assembly on field, Built in Stabilization system to assist beginners, kids and learners to fly their glider without worries, one click aerobatics, long flight endurance on single 300mAh 2S battery and tough indestructible material. T720 Glider performs superb right outside box and flies like a dream. It has the one of the best glider and soaring performances in its category. T720 is definitely top of my Most Favorite planes list now.
Following on from a poll on which camera to review, you guys chose the RunCam Phoenix Oscar edition - so here you go and you even get a bonus feature on UART based camera control !