Free plans for Cessna L-19

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Comments (2)
alex # 5 january 2022 in 10:29 0
Download link is dead.
RC Plane Poster # 30 january 2023 in 12:37 0
Sorry. The product has been sold out.
How to make video

Eachine War Birds 400 RTF 4 Channel Plane F4U Corsair Beginner or Expert AWESOME FUN :-)

RC Plane Poster  0  1641
AWESOME! I LOVE IT! After a long break from flying what a breath of fresh air :-))) That`s all chins smiling



Frankenstein RC Airplane

RC Plane Poster  0  1278
Today we make this mad flying thing, a Frankenstein RC airplane


styrofoam RC airplane MODS | homemade low cost project

RC Plane Poster  0  3340
This time I`m going to teach you how to make modifications to the RC airplane to make it fly faster and better, but you`ll need some time and dedication to complete this project


Home Made RC Plane - Will it Fly ?

RC Plane Poster  0  1425
Hi Guys in this video i have made a rc plane using normal foam plane and and a rc helicopter let`s see it fly or not


Review RC plane BM-339

RC Plane Poster  0  1594


RC Plane PreFlight Beginner Tips & Ailerons Made Easy

RC Plane Poster  0  2145
Taking off with a new plane for the first time? Here are some great tips from Nate of TheRcSaylors explaining a preflight checklist for most "normal" wing type rc airplanes! If you have...


How to make RC AirBoat at home

RC Plane Poster  0  2984
DIY RC Boat at home