Review FIMI X8

FIMI X8 banggood (440€):
FIMI X8 gearbest:
Página oficial FIMI:
Batería FIMI X8 (Banggood 80€):
Batería FIMI X8 (Gearbest 78€):
Hélices FIMI X8 (Bangood 15€):
Hélices FIMI X8 (Gearbest 13€):
Brazo FIMI X8 (Banggood 21€):
Brazo FIMI X8 (Gearbest 20€):
Mando FIMI X8 (Banggood 98€):
Mando FIMI X8 (Gearbest 99€):

FIMI A3 (268€) Banggood:
FIMI A3 (326€) Gearbest:

Pies FIMI X8:
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