the battery mount have broken where it supposed to break, the rest of it removed easily... yeah it`s working perfectly ;-)
Just print another it and " Here We Go " again
9gr servos
2 1300mah 3s lipos in in parallel
30a esc
Racerstar BR2212 2450KV
modular plane made in ~3-4mm Fluted plastic sheets
4mm diameter fiberglass stick ( Kite parts )
3d print parts, plan, and explanation how to DIY :
hot glue and tape
aomway hb25t . protection . housing... :
As I have had many requests, I’m selling my plans for my md80 depron airliner, the wing is held with magnets for easy lipo changing, it is powered by two 40 mm brushless edfs, two 20 amp...
Following on from a poll on which camera to review, you guys chose the RunCam Phoenix Oscar edition - so here you go and you even get a bonus feature on UART based camera control !