Fullspeed Tootpick Review

Banggood provided me the Fullspeed Toothpick to review for you, It is on sale from 10th of july `19

RC mid year promo

use coupon BGRovadevelFPV for 12% off the FULLSPEED TOOTHPICK here

2s 450mah

2s hv 300mah

3s hv 300mah

transmitter - taranis q x7
with lipo

goggles - eachine ev800d

lipo charger -isdt q6 300w

action cam – Hawkeye Firefly

intro: An Honest Mistake - The Snake With Limbs (FuzzCulture Remix)
other: Mosaik - Melo (Escape Into Remix)

Free RC plane

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Теги: review, quadcopter, drone
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