Building and flying the Riser 100 glider

The riser 100 is a really nice RC glider kit, building this balsa wood glider took me to my early times in aeromodelling, this is a totally classic glider, no propulsion system, just pure glider. Channels: 3, elevator, rudder and spoilers. Wingspan: 100" or 2.5m Weight: about 1.5Kg Build time: About 20 days Covering: Transparent red Solarfilm, solid white Monokote.

After the build was completed I tested the glider in a huge flat area and threw it by hand to get a feel of its glide pattern, then a couple of days later I went to Bray head, and flew at the edge of the slopes, the wind was not that good but it was a respectable flight for few hours, doing slope soaring.

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Теги: glider, airplane
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