EP18 CA glue was a game changer, Scratch Building a Giant Scale RC Aircraft
Scratch building a Ryan’s Rebel stick style R/C airplane: Episode 18: I recently found a new supplier of CA glue and reflected on just how important this glue is to scratch building or building model airplanes from kits. In fact, I would go as far to say is it the greatest advent to the hobby right next to the introduction of 2.4Ghz radio systems. CA allows us to build faster, and provides a super strong bond that is indeed stronger than the wood itself. I think that was Elmer’s slogan many years ago. Anyway, today I discuss progress on the Rebel, and the different uses of the CA glues (they come in different flavors) (kidding, don’t eat them.. They are like those little moisture bags that come in everything they ship including jerky… can you believe someone ate one?)
A Compilation of my best Rc plane crashes of 2019 and fun stunt flights doing loopings rolls stall turn and crash the DIY Rc plane at the end covering Rc trainer 2