Hubsan Zino 2 Quadcopter Quick Unboxing Review

Having received lots of positive comments and many questions on the Hubsan Zino 2 after its maiden flight video, I decided to make a quick unboxing review to share it with all of you.

In short, the quad is of great quality and was impressed to experience its software upgrading remotely through the App. Do not hesitate to order it, this is not anymore, a pre-production unit, but the real thing with great workmanship.

X-Hubsan 2 app for Android is now finally available on the Google Play app store! (and already available in Apple store for iOS)

I ordered the Zino 2 at the Makeblockhouse Store on the Alibaba website on December 24th, and it arrived as promised on January 15, 2020, despite the product introduction rush period!

I have ordered Thumbstick protectors from the Banggod site:

Thank you very much for watching my channel videos. I very much enjoy flying and sharing the experiences with all of you. Every flying sortie is a challenge, which outcome is unknown – that’s the great beauty of it!

Song: Souvenirs by the Voyage group

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