How to make a micro RC balsa wood airplane / glider
This time we`re going to modify our last glider to make it RC, with a micro motor so we can have a lot more fun flying for up to 7 minutes. This balsa wood airplane / glider was made in a previous video which you can find in the link below.
batteries with charger. (bundle)
Try not to fly this balsa wood glider in windy days or you may lose it!
Если вам понадобится штопор для открытия вина, то этот самолет делает отличные штопоры! Об этом и многом другом в супер длинном видосе-челендже по запуску нового sub250 самолета от компании ZOHD с...
Im very new to this kind of thing, in fact i started about 24 hrs ago so heres my attempt at building a rc cardboard plane after watching a video on here called " homemade cardboard rc plane...