Eachine Mini Planes RC Trojan T-28 Mustang P-51 Corsair F4U 6-Axis Stabilized Aerobatic Trainer RTF


Machine Mini Planes RC Trojan T-28 Mustang P-51 Corsair F4U 6-Axis Stabilized Aerobatic Trainer

You can find what I used in the video at the Following Link affiality
► Mustang P-51D http://rcmove.ru/ut6
► Corsair F4U http://rcmove.ru/ut7
► T-28 Trojan http://rcmove.ru/ut8

Chapter: 00:00 - 03:56 Unboxing Trojan
Chapter: 03:57 - 05:04 Unboxing Mustang
Chapter: 05:06 - 06:04 Unboxing Corsair
Chapter: 06:05 - 08:11 Fly Test Trojan
Chapter: 08:12 - 10:04 Fly Test Mustang
Chapter: 10:05 - 11:24 Fly Test Corsair
P.S.inquire before purchasing the aircraft from the National Civil Aviation Authority of your country to comply with current regulations.

Free RC plane

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