ZhiYang Toys Mig320 2 Channel RC Plane - Unboxing - Review


Welcome to Ready to Run RC. If you are new to the channel. I do unboxings, reviews, and then if I like the RC, I give subscribers a chance to win their very own at the end of the month. In this video, I feature the ZhiYang Toys Mig320 2 channel RC plane. I talk about everything that comes included in the box, a little bit about how things work, and then I take it out and test it. I will be testing other RC’s out in the future so stay tuned for upcoming giveaways. Thank you everyone for watching. And I hope to see you with the next Ready To Run RC!

Get this RC here:

- Banggood: http://rcmove.ru/v2d

I am an affiliate of Amazon, Gearbest and Banggood. This means if you purchase anything using any links I provide in any of my videos, I get a small commission and it helps me out with funding this channel to bring more content. Thank you to everyone who had already purchased items through my links. You are all awesome!!

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