The Northcliff Slope Soaring Experience

I got to slope glide and RC fly the Northcliff Ridge in Gauteng, South Africa. Northcliff hill (also known as Aasvoëls Kop) is believed to have been inhabited by humans for over 250,000 years. At 1807 metres, the ridge is one metre lower than Observatory Ridge, the highest point in Johannesburg, South Africa. Was a great day with a northerly wind, perfect weather and wind direction for Radio Control Slope Soaring! My weapon of choice was a self build ultralight Wiesel build from SpeedsterDEN`s free and open source Wiesel plan. This Wiesel is modelled after the highly successful and renowned Dream-Flight Weasel slope glider. I have been flying RC Slope on Northcliff with all my flying as well as feathered friends since 1995. In this video, amidst the largest man-made suburban forest in the world and backdrop of Johannesburg city, you get to experience a little bit of the fun and adrenaline, which Northcliff Ridge offers the RC slope enthusiast.

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