R/C Planes Land on R/C Aircraft Carrier

Two years ago, we launched R/C airplanes from the deck of our scratch-built USS Kitty Hawk replica. Ever since, a four-word challenge has echoed in the comments: "now land on it!" Today, we do just that.

It took many failed attempts over 24 months to trap a single plane on this deck. Ultimately, after many lost aircraft, we settled on a winning compromise: replacing our ParkZone Ultra Micro T-28 aircraft with Top Race Ultra Micro F-22s. Only by exchanging the fast-flying T-28s for the low-and-slow VTOL F-22s could we achieve successful traps on the deck of the Kitty Hawk – and even then, there were several near-misses and weather-related casualties.

We`ll be sharing footage of some of those casualties, along with details of the many enhancements made to our 13-foot Kitty Hawk model, in future videos. For now, enjoy R/C airplanes landing on the deck of an R/C carrier! And to our loyal subscribers: thanks for your patience!

GoPro Hero 1st-gen
GoPro Hero 3rd-gen
Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS5
Sony Handycam HDR-CX130
Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
ProtoX FPV

"Invincible" by Nicolas Major

Free RC plane

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