MJX X104G review - GPS 5G Wifi FPV Quadcopter drone

MJX X104G review. This MJX X104G 5G WIFI FPV With 1080P Camera, GPS, Follow Me Mode. Point of Interest, Waypoint navigation RC Quadcopter drone RTF review includes unboxing, inspection, setup, app, flight, duration, range, rth, fpv & camera tests.

You can get this MJX X104G 5G WIFI FPV With 1080P Camera, GPS, Follow Me Mode. Point of Interest, Waypoint navigation RC Quadcopter drone RTF here now: http://rcmove.ru/fby

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This product was supplied by Banggood.com for review. The content of this review does not reflect Banggood’s views or opinions of this product, but only my own. I trust that Banggood supplies this for an unbiased and experienced evaluation without prejudice to provide consumers and their customers with an independent evaluation and opinion.
The links provided are incentivized at no cost to you, and I will receive a small commission should you order this product through the link(s) provided. This also assists me to get more products to review, to assist you & others to make a more informed choice.

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