Balsa RC Airplane Plans

Here you can download free drawing of balsa radio-controlled model aircraft.

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How to make video

how to make rc landing gear

RC Plane Poster  0  2030
Another type of DIY landing gear using 3 pieces of wire


Slope Soaring The Cheetah 1m

RC Plane Poster  0  1292
In this video I Slope Soar The Cheetah 1m RC Glider that I converted previously




Depron md80 40mm edf plans for sale

RC Plane Poster  0  7821
As I have had many requests, I’m selling my plans for my md80 depron airliner, the wing is held with magnets for easy lipo changing, it is powered by two 40 mm brushless edfs, two 20 amp...


BIG 3D Printed RC Speed Boat

RC Plane Poster  0  5473


Hobby Plus CR-24 versus Hobby Plus CR-18 RC Car Crawlers! Does Size Really Matter?

RC Plane Poster  0  1509
Does size really matter? Here is the first run of 2020 and a comparison and test of the Hobby Plus CR-18 (1/18th Scale) and the Hobby Plus CR-24 (1/24th Scale)


Jester Pitcheron Slope Glider

RC Plane Poster  0  1733
Dynamic Soaring Aerobatics